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Employees of Shenda Electric USA visited the group headquarters
On December 12, Shenda Electric USA organized six outstanding employees to visit the Jiangshan headquarters of the group company from Pittsburgh, USA, so that the American employees could understand the overall strength and operation process of the group company, increase the sense of pride and belonging of the employees, and strive to work with The company creates brilliance together.

Jiang Yihui, chairman of the group company, attached great importance to this employee visit, and carefully formulated a reception and visit plan. The main leaders or leaders in charge of the group introduced the basic situation, production and operation, development planning, etc. of the group in detail. Talked cordially with the staff and accompanied them to visit relevant projects. The whole visit was well-organized, rigorous and meticulous. The main leaders of the group company fully affirmed it and arranged for the staff to visit scenic spots in China.

The employees of the American company visited a series of high-tech products independently developed and manufactured by the company, and successively inspected the company's 330kV high-voltage, large-capacity transformer technical transformation project site, Zhejiang Heat Exchanger Company, 220kV Transformer Workshop, Zhejiang Shenda Company, Zhejiang Dry Transformer Company, Zhejiang Special Transformer Research Institute, etc.

American employees said that through the visit to the group company, they have deepened their understanding of the group company's history, reform and development, production and operation, and corporate culture. Work hard to make positive contributions to the development of Shenda Electric.

Shenda Electric Group Co., Ltd. (Zhejiang, China)
Dirección: No.17 Huatong Road, Jiangshan Economic Development Zone, Zhejiang Province, PRC
Código postal: 324102
Teléfono: +86-570-4221172, +86-570-4222115
Fax: +86-570-4221132
Correo electrónico: sales@shenda.com